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It was a week of celebration this week as The Fremantle Trust recognised the incredible contributions Activity Providers make to engagement and activity within their 10 care homes and took part in the UK’s first National Activity Providers and Professionals Week.

Launched by NAPA (National Activity Providers Association), a series of events were held to help support and celebrate the work of Activities teams across the care sector. For this, the Trust arranged for Activity Providers to receive certificates, cards and special gifts for their amazing work.

Head of Learning and Development Sue Ascott commented: “I’m delighted to see the fantastic work of Activity Organisers recognised in the first ever National Activity Providers and Professionals week for 2022. They work tirelessly to lift spirits and celebrate life with those who live in the care home, sometimes through the extraordinary, often through ordinary and everyday activities that bring purpose and fulfilment to everyday life.”

On receiving her certificate, Activity Co-ordinator at Mulberry Court Kelly-Ann Cole commented: “I was overwhelmed and so pleased for the recognition myself and my colleague Sangita received. I love working at Mulberry Court and I’m so happy to work with wonderful people”.