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To end the year on a sophisticated note, Mulberry Court care home hosted a Fine Dining Community Event with a refreshingly innovative and delicious menu. 

Working with an array of fresh ingredients, Mulberry Court Chef, Jude Watts and his team assembled the three courses for this special occasion, giving guests both memorable and fascinating talking points throughout their meal. Guests included representatives from the U3A (University of the 3rd Age), The Hall Practice, Age Concern GX Plus, Chiltern Consultancy, the Bowls Club and Chalfont Community College.

Resident Gill Slater commented: “I had a marvellous time, the food was delicious and it was lovely to be at a social event again. Everything looked so wonderful.”

Chef Jude Watts commented: “Everyone associated with the planning and working on the day worked very hard, and it was great to see the residents especially enjoying a lovely social occasion. We look forward to putting on many similar events in the future.”

As a result of this successful evening, guests from the U3A invited the Residents from Mulberry Court to a weekly local Coffee Morning held at Chalfont St Peter Community Centre.