At the Fremantle Trust we are open to new admissions but we are not admitting any new people to our homes or services who have COVID-19 or are showing symptoms.
We currently have a small number of confirmed cases of coronavirus Covid-19 in our care homes. Any resident with confirmed COVID-19, or with symptoms, is being cared for in isolation, in their rooms for 14 days or until they recover, in line with Government guidance.
We are managing the situation and are keeping relatives and friends informed.
We are closely following Public Health England guidance. For every person who is showing symptoms we are taking advice from Public Health in Buckinghamshire and from medical professionals. We review the guidance daily and make changes to practice if required. We are following all the guidance on good hygiene practice and infection control. Staff are familiar with these procedures and we are providing them with additional support and training.
All staff providing care for any suspected or confirmed instances of infection are using personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with guidance from Public Health England. We have sufficient stocks of PPE, with more arriving soon. Staff who have symptoms are staying at home for 7 days or until their symptoms pass.
If your relative is affected by COVID-19, if they show symptoms or if they are unwell for any reason, you will be contacted immediately by the home. If they are being cared for in isolation you will be informed as soon as possible.
We will always support safe visiting in our homes when people are at end of life.
I appreciate this is a very worrying time for everyone. The majority of our residents and employees are well, people are well cared for and life in the home is carrying on as normal. We have good levels of staffing and are restricting the movement of staff to reduce the risk of infection.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this difficult time. Questions should be directed to the Home Manager in the first instance.
As a reminder our support email is COVID19support@fremantletrust.org