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The kind generosity of those around us helped residents, service users and colleagues across The Fremantle Trust to enjoy the Easter weekend.

Many of the homes saw kind donations from nearby companies. Sir Aubrey Ward House enjoyed a mixture of healthy food and chocolates from Waitrose, along with a giant Easter egg donation from the High Wycombe Lions!

Likewise, Cherry Garth gratefully received a trolley-full of Easter eggs from Hazlemere Golf Club.

The Heights also wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Morrisons for the fantastic array of Easter Eggs that they received!

The senior team at Milton Keynes Supported Living also made sure that their team knew how much they meant to the service by purchasing Heroes chocolate eggs for every person.

Meanwhile, residents at Icknield Court had prepared an Easter surprise for their families by making personalised cards!

We also received a flurry of letters and Easter eggs from family members across the homes. It means a lot to the teams to have family members’ continued appreciation and understanding during these times, so THANK YOU for bringing a smile to many faces over the weekend.