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This is an unprecedented situation, which is having a massive impact on all our lives.

Supporting each other will help us to get through this difficult time. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for their commitment to providing great care every day across all of our homes and services.

I’m really proud of the way that all our teams have risen to this challenge, implementing new ways of working to ensure we keep people safe and well.

Our IT team have worked really hard to enable Woodley House staff to work remotely. Thank you to them and to everyone who has been so flexible in making sure we can continue to support our services without having to make unnecessary journeys into the office.

I would also like to thank our Trustees for their ongoing support during this time. 

Thank you to all the relatives and friends of The Fremantle Trust for understanding the changes we have made in accessing our homes and services. It has been incredibly difficult to ask people not to visit their loved ones, and I really appreciate your support in this. Thank you to residents and service users for their patience.

I have been pleased to see many stories of people staying in touch with their relatives. Our employees will continue to do all they can to support these vital relationships by helping to arrange Skype and video calls, passing on messages or pictures, or accessing Facebook, Instagram or other social media.

We will keep you updated as things continue to develop. Thank you again for your support and understanding.

Stay well.
