These are extraordinary times, and it is more important than ever that we keep you informed about how we are looking after your friends and relatives.
The health, safety and wellbeing of our residents, service users and staff will always be our top priority.
Our staff continue to provide great care every day. They are observing the very highest standards of hygiene, infection control and hand washing. We only have essential visitors to the homes and are minimising their contact with others.
We continue to follow Government guidance which is updated daily to our services.
We do not have any cases of Coronavirus COVID-19 in any of our homes or services.
This is a really fast moving situation with things changing all the time. We will be updating our website every day with information about how we are responding to the new guidance and how services are running. Please use this as your first source of information.
Staying in touch with loved ones is really important. We are rolling out Skype and video calling across all our homes, and will share more details as soon as we get it working everywhere. We are still learning!
Central staff are now working from home. However, we continue to provide full support to all of our employees.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Home or Service Manager.
We have also set up an email for general questions and information at covid19support@fremantletrust.org
Stay well.
Sara Livadeas