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Residents using OMI Mobii interactive projector

The Mayor of Leighton-Linslade, Cllr Palmer, joined residents at Carey Lodge, who showcased their new OMI Mobii interactive projector, which has proven benefits to support well-being.

The OMI was funded by donations from Tesco Bags of Help, Twyford Art Group and Cllr Netta Glover from Bucks County Council, who gave a contribution from the Community Leaders’ Fund. Attendees witnessed the impact first-hand of the award-winning device, which encourages engagement, use of motor skills, social interaction and coordination.

The mobile projection technology inspires group participation through games as well as the enjoyment of therapeutic visual effects, which can be particularly helpful for those living with dementia. Resident Dot Potter’s well-being improved considerably when she participated in the session as she was able to concentrate for a longer period of time and show enjoyment from interaction with her fellow residents.

When resident, Anne Geering, takes part in game play she is more able to articulate how she feels and clearly enjoys the sense of community that arises from coming together with others.

Our team at Carey Lodge use the Bradford Well-being Profile tool to demonstrate the impact of regular use of the OMI, alongside other activities, on residents’ wellbeing.

Members of Twyford Art Group are keen to discuss how they might contribute to the experience, such as loading their paintings on a memory stick and creating visual slide shows and creative games for residents.

The technology, which was recognised this year at the National Dementia Care Awards as an Outstanding Dementia Care Product, will also be a critical means of supporting residents who don’t usually attend group activities. Family members can also upload photos to the mobile projector, which can then be shown on an interactive mat to aid reminiscence and help residents to connect with positive memories.

Commenting on the event, Clare Hedge, said:

We are thrilled to have the OMI Mobii and we’re hugely grateful to Tesco, Twyford Art Group and Cllr Netta Glover for contributing funds to enable this to happen.

The Mayor and fellow guests at our event were visibly impressed by the OMI’s features and how it can bring so much joy to residents through the use of colour, games, music and visual effects. We’re really looking forward to introducing this into our programme of activities, which are carefully developed to be diverse and stimulating to appeal to a wide range of needs.