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On the sunny 19 August, an exciting and heartwarming event unfolded as residents, families and staff gathered for a delightful BBQ extravaganza at Farnham Common House. The day was filled with a variety of activities, making sure there was something for everyone to enjoy. 

From bottle-pick challenges to the classic hook-a-duck game and a delectable cake stall, the event was buzzing with excitement. The tombola, refreshing ice cream stand and photo booth also added to the vibrant atmosphere. 

Beyond the laughter and entertainment, the event had a special purpose – to raise money for the residents’ fund. This fund plays a crucial role in enhancing the lives of the residents, allowing them to invest in activities and amenities that bring them joy and enrichment.

Community spirit was evident as a total of £233 was raised on the day. A highlight, however, was the participation of Jean, the wife of a previous resident from a decade ago. She took charge of a tombola stall and contributed a generous £66 towards the total funds raised.

Michael P, one of the residents, summed up the day perfectly, stating, “It’s been a fantastic day, and lovely to see so many people together enjoying themselves.” 

Kayleigh Jones, the Lifestyle and Wellbeing Lead, also expressed her gratitude, saying, “A wonderful event enjoyed by all who came. A huge thank-you to everyone who helped out and to those who came along for the fun.” 

The BBQ event not only brought smiles and laughter, but also strengthened the bonds within the community and ensured that the residents’ fund received a meaningful boost to continue enhancing the lives of those in our care.